«Sangkhlaburi Animal Sanctuary»

Datum: 3. July 2020 Gepostet von: Urs Schmid In: News

The Sangkhlaburi Animal Sanctuary provides a great contribution to the community in Sangkhlaburi. Street dogs, some in poor condition, are vaccinated against rabies, spayed/neutered, groomed and cared for. Sangkhlaburi is now rabies free and safer for all thanks to this sanctuary.

The partly old and rusty fences between the different dog pens at Baan Unrak Thai Animal Sanctuary need to be replaced urgently. A tragic incident two weeks ago, where 2 dogs bit and forced their way through a rusty fence and attacked and killed an old dog in a nearby pen, must be prevented in the future.

160m (2m high) of new fence is needed for this. As in many other projects, there is a lack of financial resources. For 20 Fr. you can buy one meter of new and secure fence for the sanctuary.

Every meter is very welcome, either directly to the sanctuary


(Bank account, or preferably PayPal)

or to our charity bank account (Schaffhauser Freunde helfen Sangkhlaburi) with the note " Fence replacement".

Schaffhauser Freunde helfen Sangkhlaburi
Feldstrasse 22, 8200 Schaffhausen
IBAN: CH79 8080 8005 4335 5727 8
Raiffeisenbank, 9001 St. Gallen
BC-Nr. 80808
BC-Nr. 80808

We are of course very grateful for every donated meter

2 thoughts on “«Sangkhlaburi Animal Sanctuary»

  • Silvia Lemp-Hartmann says:

    Würde gerne mithelfen.

    • Urs says:

      Herzlichen Dank, Silv, für Dein Interesse und Angebot. Die lädierten Zäune konnten bereits letztes Jahr dank unseres und des Tierheims Spendenaufruf ersetzt werden. Aber wir wären natürlich froh um jeden zusätzlichen Meter für das geplante neue Tierheim. Der Baubeginn wird nächstens erfolgen. Ich werde Dich auf dem Laufenden halten. Liebe Gruess, Urs

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